Anti Article-Pirating Tools

Plagiarism, as we know identically with pirating has been being ghost for the creative industries. Let's see the definition of plagiarism Those the definition of Plagiarism with using define : plagiarism from Google


1. the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
2. something used and represented in this manner.
plagiarism, as defined in the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary, is the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.
Plagiarism, believe it or not, comes from a Latin verb that means, “to kidnap.” If you plagiarize you’re kidnapping and stealing others’ hard work and intellectual property. It is academic and public dishonesty. You wouldn’t want someone stealing your hard work, intentionally or even unintentionally, would you? Of course not.

But how if a blogger like me... hehehe would not his "article product" on the Internet pirated with irresponsible person for profit advantage? As long as I don't care seriously when my posting was copied. But, many bloggers hope that the copier put the source on the Pirated Article. But in the other side not all of blogger willing with the article piracy. So, let me talk there is third party give anti-article-piracing. It's CopyScape that service anti pirating tools

So. put aplagiarism warning banner on your protected blog

Defend your site with a plagiarism warning banner!

But the weakness (or CopyScape's strategy)is CopyScape just allow Free User to see little link and highlight text that contains pirated sentence from your blog.

Wi-Fi Direct: The End of BlueTooth?

Wi-Fi Alliance, which includes member like Csico and Intel anounced a new technology of gadget convergence. It will be a next generation of Wi-Fi. Based on the news in, this next Wi-Fi, called Wi-Fi Direct can be the end of Blue Tooth.

Wi-Fi Direct is be able to connect many devices in a more ranges. It will be able make devices to build simple peer-to-peer wireless connections without the need for a wireless router or hotspot. Based on the issue, Wi-Fi Direct will connect at existing Wi-Fi speeds-- up to 250 mbps, more than known Wi-fi, 110 mbps. Wi-Fi Direct could overstep BlueTooth technology, which just enable connect shorter range and slower transfer speeds than known Wi-Fi, with benefit consumpt lower energy.

"Wi-Fi Direct represents a leap forward for our industry. Wi-Fi users worldwide will benefit from a single-technology solution to transfer content and share applications quickly and easily among devices, even when a Wi-Fi access point isn't available," said Wi-Fi Alliance executive director Edgar Figueroa. "The impact is that Wi-Fi will become even more pervasive and useful for consumers and across the enterprise."

Wi-Fi Direct will include support for WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) and AES encryption for more secure connections and measures are being developed to enable IT admins to exert some control over Wi-Fi Direct networks within their environment. But Wi-Fi alliance expects the project will be finished in mid 2010, so lets wait the new technology convergence era.

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